I left Melbravo and got the big yellow boat to my next island. Waya island was two hours further south. It was nice getting on the boat because I met up again with people that had stayed at Melbravo during my time there. I took the little transfer boat from the yellow boat to Sunset Waya. As I approached there were locals on the beach singing to welcome the newcomers to the island.

It was really nice and although I was sad that I had left Nacula I was looking foward to my next adventure on this island. They soon taught us the songs and we used to join in with the welcoming singing and do the bula dance when the little boat brought the new visitors to the island. We had a great time doing it.
Waya has rugged hills and beautiful beaches and lagoons. There are four villages on the island and lots of walks through the hills to the villages. Sunset Waya resort is set on a wide curved beach with a tidal sandbar that connects it Waya and Wayasewa. You can walk over it at low tide.

It was great fun watching the locals trying to cross it in their little boats before the tide got too low.They would literally pick up speed and shoot across the sand path in the boat and land at the other side. The snorkelling around the beach was fantastic. Some of the German guys saw sharks, but I am glad to say I only saw very colourful fish and Coral.
Sunset Waya was very small and quiet with a no frill serenity. The perfect place to relax for ten days. This time I was not so lucky with my room because there was a dorm. But it was really nice and the first few nights there were only three of us in it.

Some nights it was nearly full, but as people came and went that varied, but I slept well. They did tell us not to have any food in our bags because the rats would get it. I was nervous at first, but after the first night I just put my earplugs in and went to sleep. Meals were very basic. They would summon us all to the table by blowing a big shell,around eight for breakfast, midday for lunch and seven for the evening meal. We would then eat whatever they had prepared. It was usually rice or roots with veg and meat. And we got afternoon tea around three.(again I only paid 40 fiji dollars a day !!about 13 pounds)
Most days a crowd of us got together to play volleyball on the beach. I was useless at first, but eventually I seemed to get the hang of it and if I do say so myself I ended up being pretty good at it! hee hee.

There was a lovley man called Moses who organised all sorts of activities including walks to the villages to go to church.

I also joined the local women to learn weaving. I was thrilled with myself because I managed to weave a lovely bracelet. It was surprisingly relaxing sitting round with other women chatting and weaving.

I spent a lot of time lounging around in hammocks by the edge of the sea reading my books. I saw some incredible sunrises.

There was some entertainment if you wanted to join in, one night they did crab racing which was fun and another night we did silly dances and games.

They also did fire dances for us,but one of the guys burnt his nose and sat for the rest of the night with ice cold cans of coke under his nose!!!

Some nights crews from the yatchs sailing around Fiji would come ashore and join in the fun with us. It was interesting to hear their tales of how easy it is to crew ships to get around the islands.
Every friday all the villagers got together and they played rugby. I went to watch the tournament in a couple of the villages and it was great fun. It is a great social gathering and the standard of rugby is very good.

The ground is so hard and they just don't think anything of it when they are tackling one another. The local women were shouting out "Forget the ball , kick the man!!"which made everyone laugh out loud.
On the last morning on the island I went on the Shark feeding trip. For ten days I had been saying I would go the next day. But on my last morning they all said that I had to go. We were taken out in a boat for about forty minutes to a reef and then we jumped out with our masks and snorkells.

I was so nervous and I kept swimming back to the boat with problems with my mask. But eventually when I calmed down I swam out to the group and we saw FIVE reef sharks and it was amazing watching them swim around us. Our guide was feeding them and diving down to be near them. It was a fabulous experience.
After eleven days on the island it was time to leave and I got the Yellow boat to "BOUNTY" island.

This is where celebrity love island was filmed. It took me twenty minutes to walk around the island. I was just there one night and I stayed in the large dorm.

It was fun sitting by the pool where all the celebrities had spent nights arguing about who fancied whom!!

I had to text Sammie to let her know where I was and she was jealous.
The next day I got the boat to Malolo Island in the Mamanuca Islands. I was staying at Walu Beach Resort for five days.

I was in a lodge at the top of a very very steep set of steps!

The view from the balcony was lovely and I was lucky to be on my own in the lodge.

I spent most of the time there just reading my book and chilling on the hammocks by the beach. I spent a lot of time thinking about Jonathan and how he died. And I think it did me good to take time out.

There were some lovely sunsets.
There was also a group of Americans who were staying at the resort and they had lots of organised activities. One day they asked me to judge the boys cross dressing competition and that was hilarious.

On their last night the staff put on a traditional dance show for them and it was very entertaining.

The last night they upgraded me to a fantastic Bure by the beach.

I left Malolo Island feeling very relaxed and I really enjoyed my time in fiji, the staff were all so friendly.

I stayed one night back in Nadi at the Travellers Beach resort. They had let me store my winter clothes there so I spent ages sorting out my rucksack and getting ready for my flight to Canada the next night.