Aunty Helen was stung by a bee on the way home from Whistler and had an allergic reaction and she was not very well. But Stephen came over to look after her and I left to catch the train to visit cousin Bronwen and her family in Mission. (She insisted that I went !!!) It is about an hour and a quarter outside of Vancouver. Bronwen and Morgan were there at the station to meet me. I finally got to meet her younger brother Tosh who is so nice. He is convinced none of the family know about his existance. I assured him that we did and encouraged them both to plan a trip to England to meet the rest of their cousins!
Bronwen lives in a fabulous old house in Mission. Her husband Mark was at their beachhouse so we had lots of time to just hang out together and catch up on the last twenty years.

They took me to Tim Hortons, which is an institution in Canada!! Tosh, Morgan and her boyfriend Johnny are into Longboarding and they got all kitted up to go out longboarding. Morgan came back half an hour later with a horrendous cut on her bum from skidding along the road!!Do not think I will be taking up the sport!
Tosh is also an amazing tap dancer. I went along to watch him rehearse for a competition he is doing in Germany and he was FANTASTIC!!

(Morgan and Johnny in Lonboarding gear)

(Tosh tapping outside their house for me)
Mark eventually returned from the beachhouse with a very large salmon that he had caught.

He set too preparing to bbq it for us all to eat.

And their two large dogs returned from the beachhouse as well.

Bronwen and I went for a lovely long walk by the Fraser river , she told me what to do if a bear appeared. Stand still....I do not think I would be able to do that , I am sure I would run for the hills, so I was very glad we did not come face to face with a bear.
mum did a bird poo on your black top?? tee hee. xx xx is a skydiver!!!I got the Tshirt when I did my skidive in New Zealand. x
If we can offer Tosh any hospitality in Germany, we'd love to do so. Do you know where and when he is going?
Wonderful adventures - they just get better and better! It's so cold and depressing back in the U.K. so keep them coming in! Lots of love Fiona - a warm welcome awaits your homecoming!
dear Paul not sure when he is arriving but will message Bronwen on facebook.I know he is staying with a group in a hotel but it would be great if you could meet up. He is a great to all of you.looking forward to seeing in you in Leeds when i get back to England.
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