I wished mum had been there, she would have known what they were. I am afraid to say I could only appreciate their beauty, without having a clue what type of bird they were. Hopefully I will pick it up as I travel.I even fed some of them from my hand.
It was hard for me to drag myself away from Batesman Bay, but I had to keep moving south because I was due to meet up with Sammie in Melbourne on Easter Sunday. I was planning to hop on the bus again, when one of the travellers, a lovely Dutch guy called Pieter, said he was heading south in his vehicle to Narooma with another couple, Katie and Simon, and did I want to join them.
We had a lovely drive down and we went to a place called Bingie Bingie, which is a site frequented by Aboriginal people. The plants and vegitation that grow wild there were used by them for medicines.
The views were breathtaking.
We had a picnic on the rocks, then went scrambling over the rocks for ages. I have not done that since I was a kid and I had a fantastic time. I felt so free and happy.
I booked into the YHA at Narooma.
They camped in the woods by Mystery Bay, ten minutes down the road. We met up in the evening to go and see a live Blues band in a local pub.
There were hardly any people watching them even though they were really good. In England a group like that would have packed the venue. We had a few drinks and a dance before heading back home.
The next day we went to a local winery ,Tilba wines, and the guy there was a cranky English man who retired from the BBC years ago. The place was in the most beautiful setting but he did not seem to want to show visitors around, even though he advertised it as a wine tour. He was just like John Cleese. We found the whole thing very entertaining. Especially as we had stopped and asked him directions to the music venue the night before and he had been very rude then. He was mortified when he saw us walk in and he apologised for his rudeness the night before. But then proceeded to be just as rude again.
We then headed to mystery Bay for a picnic in another fabulous location, just yards from where the guys were camping.
We went for a walk along the beaches and relaxed on the beach for hours.
I had got a taste for scrambling on the rocks, so I took myself off for ages and just enjoyed exploring the rocks. It was so relaxing.
The next day we met up again and walked to the river at the bottom of Narooma because we had been told we would see Sting Rays.
It was a lovely walk and we waited patiently for ages, but we were finally rewarded with a siting of some Sting Rays. They move along so magestically in the water. It was great seeing them so close up.
Pieter, Katy and Simon then headed off on the next leg of their journey south, to the Penninsular near Melbourne.
I on the otherhand got the afternoon bus and travelled a couple of hours south to Mermibula.
I was sad to see them go, but that is the joy of this trip, you meet up with nice people for a few days and then spend time along again, before meeting more nice people.And I have to say I like being in a group, but equally I do love my own company and do not feel lonely at all.
When I arrived at Merimbula about seven o clock at night, I headed straight for the beach. There was an incredible mist hanging over the sea and the sea was so calm, it looked wonderful.I knew I was going to like it here too.
I spent the day wandering over the river and around the town. I got my hair cut and coloured, I did not look a mess when I met up with Sammie. I then took a walk along the beach for an hour and a half. At the end of the beach there was a campsite and I was thrilled to see wild Kangaroos wandering around beside the tents and caravans.
This time I ventured a bit closer. But I was still not brave enough to stroke them.
Today I am getting the overnight bus to Melbourne where I will meet up with rob and Heather. I met them in Ko Samui at the start of my adventure and they kindly took some of my excess luggage. They also said that Sammie and I could stay with them near Melbourne. I am not looking forward to trying to sleep on the bus ,but I am looking forward to meeting up with them again.