I had chosen to fly from New Zealand's South Island back to the North Island because I had managed to find a flight for as little as twenty three pounds from Christchurch to Wellington. I checked in for my flight about five hours early then walked to the Antarctic Exhibition Centre near the airport in Christchurch.

It is a fascinating place there are exhibits and information about all the Edmond Hilary expeditions and the history of the Antarctic.You can also experience a snow storm at first hand.You have to don a heavy duty jacket and some rubber overshoes, then you are all shown into a snow covered room. A loud speaker gives you a commentary which gets more frantic , warning of an impending snow storm. Then the wind speed increases to over twenty eight miles an hour and the temperature drops.It is a bit scary and very exciting! I can actually say that I survived a snow storm!!Even if it was in very controlled conditions..hee hee.

Initially I was in two minds about going to the Antarctic centre but I am glad that I made the effort to go to the exhibition because I learnt so much about the Antarctic that I did not have a clue about and I found it very interesting.
Eventually I got my flight to Wellington and then met up with Stephanie and Jason again that evening. They had got the boat over with their campervan. It had been a VERY ROUGH crossing and they were still feeling a bit wobbly.
The next day they gave me a lift to Napier in the Campervan. It took us about five hours and we stopped along the way for lunch by the roadside.

We passed the largest windfarm in New Zealand onroute.

I booked into the YHA which is just over the road from the sea. I could hear the sound of waves crashing onto the beach and it was so nice.

That night in the YAH there were three more girls in my dorm ( I tend to stay in dorms for four females.) They said that they needed to be up early, so to be considerate I got into my pyjamas early and placed my tooth brush and face creams so that I could sneak in and get them in the dark without disturbing them. (That is what most people do to be considerate to the other people in the room). Well you can imagine how angry I was in the morning when one of the two German girls got up at seven and switched the light on and started banging around the room. I asked them to open the curtains as there was enough natural light for them to see their things without disturbing me. And if they needed to check out their bags they could drag them into the hallway, like lots of people do.(The previous day two girls left early and no one in the room heard a thing when they got up and went!! so it can be done) they were not happy at being asked to do this. I then pointed out how considerate I had been the previous night and they apologised,albeit begrudgingly. Eventually I just left them to it and went down to the kitchen for a coffee. But I have to say in all the months that I have been travelling this is one of the very few incidents where I have had problems with people in the dorm. Which is very good really!and it will not stop me being considerate in the future, as most people who use YHAs are very considerate and it works well.