Went into London today to spend some time with Sammie and Ryan before I head off at the weekend. We had a lovely meal in Covent Garden and Sammie demonstrated her napkin folding skills to make Ryan a lovely pair of rabbit ears!
We then did some window-shopping before heading off for a well-earned glass of champagne in Selfridges.
I wrote my blog and Ryan helped me to upload some photographs. I am going to have to get to grips with the technology as I make my way around the world. But I have to say I am hoping that there will be people around who will help me to upload my photographs.
Sammie and I then got the map of Australia out and decided where she was going to fly out to in March. It took me ages to explain that she could not just nip to places and things were much further apart in Australia than they may seem on the map.
She is going to fly into Melbourne and then we will travel up the coast to Sydney to see Carmie mustard then onto Brisbane via Byron Bay. Sammie will fly home from Brisbane and I will then head on up the coast to Cairns.
It is not easy leaving Sammie on this side of the world but I know she will be well looked after by Ryan and her father and Andrea.