Another day! another Buddha!! I went to visit 'Wat Pho'. It's the oldest and largest temple in Bangkok and houses the country's largest reclining Buddha. It is the biggest collection of Buddha images in the country.The reclining Buddha is 46m long and 15m high.
It was really interesting going round. Not least because I am reading a book called Buddhism explained and it explains the significance of variouse Buddha statues and their poses. So I understand what the images are supposed to be depicting. Rather than wandering round aimlessly thinking ,'that is beautiful', but not being really sure where it fits into the Buddhist beliefs.
The overnight sleeper train to chang Mai in Northern Thailand was booked up days in advance so I had to wait for a few more days in Bangkok than I originally planned for. I used the time to explore the khoa San area, it is very popular with tourists and it has lots of stalls and shops selling everything from CD's to fake ID's , including press passes , which amused me. I resisted the temptation to buy things. But I did keep thinking how much Sammie would have loved the things on sale. It is a very eclectic atmosphere. I love people watching so I sat for ages in the cafes watching the young and old travellers go about their business.
On the last day my train was due to leave at ten o clock at night so I left my rucksac at the station and wandered around the shopping area. I bumped into Renske and Paul, the couple from Holland I had got to know in Phnom Penh. It was really good to see them again and we went for something to eat and a drink. It was there last day in Bangkok too. They were due to fly back home that night.
I picked my rucksac up from the train station. I noticed that the zip was open on one of the sections but thought nothing of it. Only to discover in Chang Mai later that some bugger had taken my travel towel!hey ho! I boarded the train in plenty of time because I was nervous about the sleeping arrangements. I had never been on a sleeper train before. I need'nt have worried. I loved it. I was in the second class air conditioned compartment with about thirty other people. We all had our own bunks with little curtains round.
I secured my rucksac with a lock to the rack alongside my bottom bunk. There were also plenty of sinks and toilets at the end of the carriageway to clean your teeth and toilets. I changed into my pyjamas, put my earplugs in and settled down for the night! (It left on time at ten o clock and it is due into Chang Mai at one o clock the following afternoon) I could not believe how comfortable it was.
Sleeping on trains!! It's the Future?? XXX
Hey Siobhan have you found yourself yet? Not sure who told you to look in all these far off places, but good luck!
Thinking of you lots and keep thinking you are completely bomkers or really brave!
Love you loads, keep safe!
Sheila xxx
dont tell me that you were going to buy me things then didnt....thats just plain mean!!! love you lots skype buddy! xx xx
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