After counting the bruises on my body from the Thai massages I thought I would try a Thai foot massage, that had to be relaxing. How wrong could I have been! I was in agony when he pushed certain areas of my feet.
The chap inflicting the pain said "oh not good .painful, you have bad colon" that may be as well, but I now have bad foot!!! once again I told myself no pain, no gain and let him continue for an hour massaging and inflicting pain. But when he had finished he said that my colon would now start to get better...and do you know today my colon was very active. so it did something!
Just as I was coming to the end of the massage the Canadian lot appeared at the window of the place and so I joined them later in a bar.
to see a LADYBOY caberet show.Basically that is when some Thai men dress as beautiful ladies and perform a caberet.It has to be one of the strangest things I have seen. The lady in the middle of this picture is one of the ladyboys. we then had a few more drinks
and somehow they all ended up persuading me to have a henna tattoo on my foot.It is of three little feet. I know Sammie I have always said that I would never do that ,but this trip is going to be full of things I thought I would never do..and at least this one wears off after a while.They tried very very hard to get me to have a real one!
Tomorrow I get the boat to Phuket where I will be staying for 4 days.
dont worry i got a tatoo yesterday! xx xx...... theres a part of you rhats not sure whether to believe that!! ha ha xx xx
A Henna Tattoo!! Now that's really living on the edge. Love the alarm story, that is sooo you!
(Can anyone email some instructions to Siobhan, on how to rotate her photos please?) Hee Hee XXXXX
Hi Babes
The story about the alarm made me cry with laughter - it is so you!
Glad to read about your experiences - am very envious! To make you feel even more smug, it is freezing here and everyone has sniffy colds.
Logts of love Nicola xx
So what exactly are you trying to tell us? Foot massages are a load of shit? My arse!
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