I spent the day exploring and sunbathing. Got chatting to a woman form New Zealand at lunchtime but was glad to wander off on my own again in the afternoon. I also had a Thai massage. I have to say I am still not sure If i like them. There is a lot of pulling and pushing of bones and joints.And they push on points that you never knew hurt so much. But then strangely after all that pain and suffering you walk away feeling good. I will try them again a few more times before making up my mind totally.
We gathered for the last long boat back from the beach at five. The sea in the meantime had got very very choppy. I am not the best person on boats but I have to say Iwas terrified, it was bouncing about so much. I was hanging on tightly.We all got thoroughly soaked.
I have never been so glad to reach dry land. I went back to my room and had a hot shower. I had a lovely spicy curry and chatted to some people who have been travelling for a year .They gave me lots of tips about places to stay in fiji and New Zealand.
1 comment:
Hi Siobhan
Chris Skelton came across to sort out my Skype sound, which is now working,also opened google account for mke so I can post comments. Sounds as though you're really getting into the swim of things despite the choppy boat trip, I remember similar in Viet Nam plus hairy clambering over lots of boats before reaching dry land! Have spoken to Sammie on phone. Cats are well and learning to come in and out through windows but reluctant to use cat flap. Am getting into Christmas rush now, have put some decorations up so am more in the Christmas spirit. Lots of love F XXX
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