Friday, June 6, 2008


On the Queen's birthday they have a holiday in New Zealand. So lots of people were going out mountain biking in the hills.Including their neighbour Andrew and his daughter Nicole.
Lyn and I got up early to take some of the bikers and their bikes up into the hills. Then we went for a lovely, if a bit of a cold, walk round the Waterfalls at Whinray.

Kate had a stinker of a cold so she stayed in bed to chill out.
One of the things that amazes me here is that so many people roam the hills with guns for hunting the animals.They randomly shoot possums, pigs and deer.I know it is a way of life, but there does not seem to be enough co-ordination of hunters for my likeing. There are always people getting shot by accident!! And they just leave little blue signs on trees to say that a trap has been left.
I was glad Lyn pointed that out to me because I would not have had a clue what the blue flag meant and I would hate to be caught in a trap.
Later that night Lyn's brother and his wife came round for dinner, They cooked the lamb joint and Kate and Lyn provided the pudding and roast veg.
It was a nice way to spend my last evening in Opotiki.
And Kate and Lyn gave me a hilarious sendoff , they put on the most horrible false teeth and sang me a very funny song.

They really welcomed me into their home for over a week and made me feel so at home. I cannot thank them enough for letting me have a real insight into life in one of the most beautiful parts of New Zealand.

This is just a picture of their fruit bowl.I just loved the variety of fruits that I had never seen before.

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