Sunday, November 18, 2007


People have been messaging me wanting to know where I will be and when, so here is my main itinerary. I am booking internal flights seperately.

Sun Dec 2 dept Heathrow for Bangkok arrive Mon Dec 3 ..will be staying for three nights in the Holiday inn Silom Bangkok just to get my bearings.
I then plan to take three months to travel round Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.

Wed Feb 20 dept Bangkok arrive Sydney Thur Feb 21
I will take three months to travel around Australia.looking forward to catching up with Carmel. Hopefully Sammie will join me for a month in her Easter Holidays so we can travel around together.

Wed May 21 Sydney to Aukland..I will spend two months travelling around New Zealand

Thurs 31 July Aukland to Nadi in Fiji I plan to spend a month on Fiji and the Cook Islands chilling out!

Sun 31 August Fiji to Vancouver where I am really looking forward to spending time with Aunty Helen and Bronwen and catching up with Gareth and Bryn.

Sun 14th Sept Vancouver to Dallas to refuel, then onto Sao Paulo in Brazil to meet up with Maggie and Sinaid. We plan to travel for a month in South America before flying back to Heathrow on October 15th arriving thurs Oct 16th at 7.30 in the morning.

So this should help those of you who are hoping to meet up with me during my trip.

Two weeks to go

Well got up today and realised that in two weeks time I will be heading off to the other side of the world to start my adventure. My stomach is churning, partly with fear and partly with excitement. I have just got an email from my friend who is sailing around Malasia and she has told me that her banks have been playing up and stopping her from getting money out on her card. So first thing tomorrow morning I will be onto my bank so that they know exactly what parts of the world I will be in at any time. They will realise that I am the one spending on my card. It would be awful not to be able to get my money out.

I have to sort the flat out now because I only have one week before I have to move everything out. Luckily my friends Alison and Matt are buying a house and need funiture so they will use mine for the year. As well as storing lots more in their loft. I have been so lucky that lots of people have agreed to store things for me. So over the last few weeks everyone I have visited has been given a couple of big bags full of my possessions to store for me. I have written down who has what so that I will enjoy travelling round when I get home collecting all my things.

Fiona, my first ever landlady when I move to Tunbridge wells, has kindly agreed to put me up for the last week before I go, as she has now become a very dear friend to me.

Will have to sort the travel insurance and international driving licence tomorrow ,then I think things are pretty much sorted.

I will have most trouble trying to decide what to take in my rucksack...I know the Jimmy Choos will have to stay at home!!!